Year-end Reflections 年終感想

As the calendar is about to turn a new year, my heart is full of gratitude. Since establishing Mia Musica six months ago, we grew from 3 to nearly 20 students. When asked how this was achieved, I can only reply “everything deserves total commitment”. In the past few years, I focused on developing my performing career: rehearsals, concerts and competitions accounted for most of my time. Taking practice and preparation into consideration, my schedule was full. This year, I make the decision to settle down and focus on teaching, so the experience I have accumulated during my entire music career can be pass on to the next generation of aspiring musicians. I hope my students will be able to share my passion and love for music.

在歲末年初之季,心裡實在充滿感恩。 Mia Musica 成立至今滿半年了,從原本三個學生成長到將近二十個。如果有人問我,這是如何辦到的,我只能說「凡事都要全力以赴」。在過去幾年中,在演奏上的發展,排練、音樂會、比賽佔了大半時間,還有自己的練習和準備,實在很忙。今年下定決心定下來從事教學工作,可以將自己這幾年來的心得傳承給下一代。希望我的學生們將能分享我對音樂的激情和熱愛。

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