Year-end Reflections 年終感想

As the calendar is about to turn a new year, my heart is full of gratitude. Since establishing Mia Musica six months ago, we grew from 3 to nearly 20 students. When asked how this was achieved, I can only reply “everything deserves total commitment”. In the past few years, I focused on developing my performing career: rehearsals, concerts and competitions accounted for most of my time. Taking practice and preparation into consideration, my schedule was full. This year, I make the decision to settle down and focus on teaching, so the experience I have accumulated during my entire music career can be pass on to the next generation of aspiring musicians. I hope my students will be able to share my passion and love for music.

在歲末年初之季,心裡實在充滿感恩。 Mia Musica 成立至今滿半年了,從原本三個學生成長到將近二十個。如果有人問我,這是如何辦到的,我只能說「凡事都要全力以赴」。在過去幾年中,在演奏上的發展,排練、音樂會、比賽佔了大半時間,還有自己的練習和準備,實在很忙。今年下定決心定下來從事教學工作,可以將自己這幾年來的心得傳承給下一代。希望我的學生們將能分享我對音樂的激情和熱愛。

Mia Musica 2012 Fall Recital

Ideally, I would like to have 2 recitals a year, but due to the birth of Toby last Summer, I haven’t had time to organize any recitals. With my husband’s help, I am proud to announce our first student recital since the inception of Mia Musica:

Mia Musica 2012 Fall Recital

Dec. 15 (Sat.) 11:20 am

City of San Mateo Public Library
Oak Room (1st Floor)

55 West 3rd Ave.

San Mateo, CA 94402

Hello world! + PMAA concert announcement

After months of bugging from my hubby, I am posting my first blog!

He always feels that I have so many opinions; instead of unloading them onto him, I should write down what’s in my head and share my thoughts with everyone.

I know he just wants to get some peace and quiet, but since he just spent hours last night setting up our server, I will start blogging. Writing down things is quite different than speaking: it does require more thinking and organization. This will be a good exercise for me as well.

Basically, I will use this blog to make announcements about performances and to share my thoughts on music, teaching & performing.

Here is what I wrote last night as my husband was setting up the server:

I am choosing this very night to start writing the blog. As a matter of fact, I am at a dress rehearsal right now for the upcoming concert tomorrow. The concert with PMAA (Peninsula Musical Arts Association) has a lot of Christmas carols and traditional songs: Winter Wonderland, Have Yourself  a Merry Little Christmas, O Holy Night arranged by our director/concert harpist Paul Hurst, Angel’s Carol by the English composer John Rutter, and the end is Handel’s glorious Messiah. My favorite song of the entire recital program is Randol Bass’ Gloria. The whole piece is full of grandeur and excitement.  I love the irregular rhythm, and harmony progression in this piece. The upbeat energy integrated with pastoral Sicilian makes a well-balanced way for praise.  It’s also touching for me to see people who love music so much, yet not musicians. You don’t have to be a musician in order to make music. Just like cooking, everybody can cook! And it’s true that everybody can sing! Go PMAA!